Support Local Journalism

If you enjoy the work we do at the32789, we want to invite you to become a part of the effort—to support our daily mission to tell the stories of the Winter Park, FL community that need to be told.

We launched the32789 during the pandemic as a free community tool to stay connected. Our subscribers, viewers, and followers continue to grow both in number and engagement. More importantly, your daily encouragement tells us we’re on the right track and to keep doing what we’re doing. You’ve shared your ideas, your criticisms, and your insights. And you’ve told us to keep going.

Like other hyperlocal news platforms, we’re looking to you for support to go even further. We have a vision for a more expansive platform—more content, more channels, and more features. But we can’t do it alone. We’re asking for loyal readers, followers, and cheerleaders to “subscribe” in the form of our local journalism support circle: The Flock.

We’d like you to join The Flock for as little as $7 per month because of our common concern for Winter Park, shared value of community, and joint purpose of becoming more informed and connected. Please join us.

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