Winter Park City Officials Honored with 2021 Home Rule Hero Award

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The Florida League of Cities (FCL) recently honored Winter Park Vice Mayor, Carolyn Cooper, and the City of Winter Park Building & Permitting Services Director, George Wiggins, with the 2021 Home Rule Hero Award for their efforts in the community during the 2021 legislative season.

Founded in 1972, the Florida League of Cities, is the united voice for Florida’s municipal governments and recognizes ‘Home Rule’ as the ability for a city to address local problems with local solutions with minimal state interference. “Local Voices Making Local Choices”, the mission behind the Florida League of Cities, focuses on the impact citizens and city leaders have on improving local communities to promote and prioritize a local self-government.

Qualifying recipients for the Home Rule Hero Award are local government officials, both elected and non-elected, who consistently respond to the league’s request to reach out to member of the legislature and help give a local perspective on an issue. According to the city, “Vice Mayor Cooper and Wiggins both have worked tirelessly throughout session to promote local voices making local choices, protect the Home Rule powers of Florida’s municipalities and advance the league’s legislative agenda.”

During the 2021 legislative season, Casey Cook, the Florida League of Cities director of legislative affairs, said in a recent press release that the two Winter Park recipients went above and beyond in their hard work and advocacy efforts.

The Florida League of Cities recently honored Vice Mayor Carolyn Cooper and the City of Winter Park Building & Permitting Services Director George Wiggins with the 2021 Home Rule Hero Award. Image Courtesy of: City of Winter Park

“They made an extraordinary effort, were actively engaged, and highly effective in their advocacy efforts,” Cook said. “Even with all the various challenges present this year due to the pandemic, they engaged with legislators, shared their stories and made their voices heard, and it made a difference. On behalf of the league and its legislative team, it’s my sincere honor to recognize this year’s award recipients and thank them for their service.”

For more information on the organization, visit the website.

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