Elderly Victim Beaten After Asking Unmasked Man to Social Distance

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At the Winter Park Citgo gas station on South Orange Avenue on September 8, a 70-year-old man asked 24-year-old Rovester Ingram, who was not wearing a mask, to abide by social distancing guidelines. The two began to argue and Ingram followed the man outside, where he proceeded to beat him. The victim tried to go back inside the Citgo, but the suspect yanked him away and continued to punch, kick, and spit on him.

Ingram left the scene with another man, and Winter Park Police arrived soon after. The police confirmed the victim’s story through eyewitness accounts and security footage. The victim was taken to a nearby hospital for care.

Ingram was later arrested on his front porch in Winter Park and charged with counts of kidnapping with intent to inflict harm and aggravated battery according to the Orange County affidavit.

Rovester Ingram. Image courtesy of: Winter Park Police Department
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