The city of Winter Park is ready to officially welcome the community to its newest greenspace. Local leaders and project stakeholders will gather for the grand opening of Seven Oaks Park at the corner of Denning Drive and Orange Avenue on Saturday, Feb. 8, at 9 a.m.
Seven Oaks Park is the result of a multi-year, multimillion-dollar effort to transform the property that once housed the Progress Energy Winter Park headquarters. The land had been slated for development under the first version of the city’s Orange Avenue Overlay (OAO) district plan, which allowed new construction along the gateway into downtown Winter Park. Plans for a new office building were halted in 2020 when city commissioners overturned their approval of the OAO plan, citing the need for additional traffic studies and code revisions. Residents and city officials later advocated for the property to be designated as a greenspace.
Originally dubbed Progress Point Park, the site hosted a ceremonial dirt-toss in March of 2022 after the planting of seven live oaks. The trees marked the first milestone in the development of the $3.1 million project, but park construction didn’t officially begin until April of 2023. Proposals to use portions of the land for a business incubator and a new Winter Park Playhouse were denied due to community demands to keep the property as a greenspace. In an effort to rename the park, the city asked residents to submit ideas and “Seven Oaks Park” won the popular vote.

The construction timeline was hindered by design changes, weather delays, and cost increases that led to budget revisions. Concerns over the condition of the live oaks amid the stalled progress were addressed by city Parks Services Manager and Urban Forester, Josh Nye, who told the32789 that the trees are doing well despite their continued recovery from transplanting and the impact of construction on the developing root systems.
“This is a years-long process, and they were further impacted by Hurricane Ian,” he said. The Parks Department has also overseen soil treatments, deadwood pruning, and irrigation adjustments to aid tree growth.
Seven Oaks Park offers garden zones, shade trellises, walkways, and public restrooms. The Cypress Avenue parking lot behind the park was repaved during construction, and lighting throughout the park will allow for evening events.
“This new park is a space where families, neighbors, and friends can connect with each other, nature, and local businesses,” Mayor Sheila DeCiccio said in a prepared statement. “I hope it will be a space that’s enjoyed by our community for generations to come.”
The February 8 ribbon-cutting will precede a community event that will run until 11 a.m. with vendors, games, crafts, and live music. Parking will be available by Cypress and Palmetto avenues. For more information, access or call 407-599-3342.