City leaders approved an agreement to utilize the parking lot at the Heritage Park office building, located at 941 W. Morse Boulevard, to accommodate overflow parking for Winter Park Library & Events Center.
The parking deficit has been an ongoing discussion at city meetings since the facility opened in 2022. Commissioners attempted to find alternatives to the Valencia parking lot and the MLK Park lot with concern for seniors and people with disabilities who may not be able to walk the distance to the library. Signage designating library patron parking and the addition of 56 spaces to the existing lot were approved, but did little to solve the problem.
At the May 8 City Commission meeting Mayor Sheila DeCiccio estimated a deficit of 200 parking spaces during peak hours, when library programs and large events overlap with service rushes at nearby restaurants that fill the Harper Street parking garage. Commissioners voted at that meeting to approve a total of 78 new spaces on library property that break down to 29 additional on-street parking spaces along Harper Street and a 49-space expansion to the library lot.

The Heritage Park solution will open approximately 300 parking spaces for public use, directly across Morse Boulevard from the Events Center. According to city documents, the lease agreement is at a rental rate of $100 per year and can be terminated by either party with 60 days written notice. The lot will be available on weekdays after 5:30 p.m. and on weekends after 11:30 a.m. Valet companies servicing the Events Center will also use the lot.
According to city spokespeople, the Heritage Park contract will be kept in place once the planned additions to the library parking lot are complete. Commissioners will discuss the next steps in the 78-space expansion at their August 28 meeting. City meeting schedules, agendas, and virtual access are available at