Winter Park commissioners are set to discuss a list of stormwater mitigation proposals at their December 11 meeting. The projects stem from recently completed drainage basin studies that were ordered in the wake of historic flooding from Hurricane Ian.
The research began after the 2023 hurricane season and focused on the city’s western, central, and eastern basins. Studies were conducted by city engineering consultants Singhofen Halff, Geosyntec Consultants, and Baxter & Woodman. The results were presented during an October 24 commission work session along with the project proposals. Some had previously been considered and are among the city’s long-term improvement project budgets, but the prioritization and funding of additional proposals requires commission approval.
According to the December 11 meeting agenda, just over $1.6 million in stormwater project funding was previously approved for 2024 and 2025 budgets. Approximately $3 million is required for additional recommendations and can be accessed through the Community Redevelopment Agency budget. The projects and cost breakdowns are as follows:
Approved Stormwater Projects: Fiscal Year 2024
- Continuous Deflective Separation (CDS) Unit for Fawsett Road at a cost of $200,000. The technology will remove sediment and pollutants from stormwater runoff into Lake Sue.
- The replacement of Stirling Bridge at a cost of $224,575.
- Phase 1 of a partnership with Seminole County to build a new outfall to release water from the Arbor Park neighborhood retention ditch at a cost of $533,806.
Approved Stormwater Projects: Fiscal Year 2025
- Killarney Drive: New outfall replacing two failing outfalls, and new inlets for improved stormwater capture at a total cost of $280,000.
- Palmer and Old England avenues: New outfall to replace existing, undersized outfall and inlet replacements with additional capacity at a total cost of $250,000.
- Mayflower property and Pineview Circle neighborhood drainage ditch dredging to restore flow and capacity at a cost of $170,000.
Proposed Stormwater Projects: Fiscal Year 2025
- The installation of a new hydraulic connection from Lake Mendsen to Lake Rose to provide supplemental storage during storm events at a cost of $600,000.
- A two-year phased expansion of Lake Mendsen with the installation of infrastructure for a mobile pump station to increase storage and allow emergency water releases into Lake Killarney at a cost of $1.1 million.
- A three-year phased upsizing of the main stormwater line along Canton Avenue from Park Avenue to the outfall into Lake Osceola with additional upsizing of supporting structures at a total cost of $1.3 million.
Commissioners will also vote on construction contracts and funding for a maintenance facility for the Parks Department, and for the addition of restrooms in Central Park West Meadow.
The new maintenance facility will be a central storage area for maintenance equipment for the city golf courses, cemetery, and downtown parks. The original concept was presented before the pandemic and costs have been driven up by years of inflation. A total of $1.06 million had been set aside for the project but the guaranteed maximum price currently stands at $2.5 million. Commission will need to vote on whether to tap into the $1.6 million cemetery trust fund to make up the difference.
Meanwhile, inflation has also affected the $1.3 million West Meadow restroom project and an additional $167,000 is required for completion. The project will top off the planned West Meadow Pavilion, adding public amenities for the Farmers’ Market and Central Park events. Commissioners will decide whether to use CRA reserves to cover the remaining amount.
City commission will hold its final regular meeting of the year on December 11, additional Board meetings are scheduled through December 18. Meeting schedules, agendas, and virtual access are available at