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OCPS COVID-19 Dashboard Tracks Cases in Winter Park Public Schools

Earlier this week, OCPS published a dashboard detailing the current number of COVID-19 cases at its schools. The dashboard, which automatically updates each evening at 11:59 p.m., breaks down the total number of confirmed cases from every OCPS school, recording cases dating back to August 21, when face-to-face learning began.

Users can select a school to see its current amount of cumulative cases since August 21, as well as the days on which each case was reported. The dashboard differentiates between student cases, school employee cases, and “other” cases.

If a school is not listed on the dashboard, it means that it has not recorded a positive case yet.

As of September 14, when the dashboard was launched, only two Winter Park schools (Lakemont Elementary School and Winter Park High School) had recorded cases.

“We continue to work with the Florida Department of Health in Orange County to keep the health and safety of our students and employees our priority,” said OCPS Superintendent Barbara Jenkins in a press release. “This dashboard will serve as the primary source for data and reporting of positive cases and reinforces our commitment to transparency without compromising the medical privacy of any individual.”

OCPS schools located in Winter Park are as follows: