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OCPS Board Votes to Submit OCPSLaunchED@Home Plan to State

On Friday, July 17, the Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) School Board held a special meeting to vote on a plan to reopen Orange County schools this fall. The board voted in favor of submitting a plan to the state to move forward with OCPSLaunchED@Home, which –– if approved –– will allow schools to provide an option for students to attend school in person, while also offering a virtual schooling option for parents who wish to keep their students home. In addition to the plan, the board voted to simultaneously submit a waiver to the state that insists on the right to determine what is safe for Orange County districts in regard to reopening the schools as the situation evolves. This plan will affect all public Winter Park schools, which are a part of the OCPS system.

At the onset of the meeting, OCPS Superintendent Barbara Jenkins reminded viewers and board members that all decisions made during the meeting will be fluid, and things may change in the future.